February 2013

Dear Class of 2015,
Helping others and contributing to the world are not just vague aspirations for the future, after you have the career and status you want. Trinity offers many opportunities to get involved right now. Through a wide variety of service organizations on campus, you can help the hungry, the homeless, and the victims of natural disasters; promote equality among races, genders, and sexualities; protect the environment; teach underprivileged kids; aid third world countries; even feed and find homes for the cats who wander outside Coates. For decades, Trinity’s service fraternities, clubs, and other organizations have grown in their commitment to act in small, specific ways to alleviate big global problems.  more>>
Kyle Gillette
Class Marshal

Hello Class of 2015!
Second semester is in full swing.  Classes are underway, organizations are busy executing against their visions for the year and time becomes a precious commodity.  How do we balance the needs that our courses require while also maintaining friendships and activities within various clubs/sports/organizations?  In your Sophomore year you are refining that time management process. more>>
Jennifer Dewar
Alumni Sponsor

Click here for additional information Basura Bash.

Get Your Tail to the Gym
Health and Fitness Day is Wednesday, February 27 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Bell Center, Sams Gym.  Come for health screenings, free stuff and to participate in fun activities.  Visitors to the event are eligible for the door prize drawing and a t-shirt while supplies last.  San Antonio AIDS Foundation will provide free HIV testing during the event; look for the testing van in the Bell Center parking lot.

Depression Screening Day
The spring edition of DSD is next Wednesday, February 6, between 1 and 4 p.m. in the Counseling Services office, 215 Coates (above the Bookstore).  If you wonder whether you might be suffering from depression or manic depression, obtain a confidential consultation without an appointment.  Each DSD participant will complete a questionnaire and meet with a counselor.  Alternatively, you can see a counselor any weekday either by appointment or during walk-in hours (3 – 4:30 p.m.).  To learn more about Counseling Services, please visit our website.

February Events
This month Career Services hosts a fashion show and is thinking globally - check out on-campus interview opportunities too.  more>>

Sophomore College Service Trip: Click the image below for more information.

Student Leader Spotlight: Submit a nomination today for this month’s Student Leader Spotlight! Nominations are collected on a rolling basis and will be considered for multiple months. Learn more about recognition opportunities.

Student Leadership Opportunities for 2013-2014: Click the image below to enlarge.

Welcome back students! Dining Services is ringing in the new semester with 'Stache Bash $5 meal deals. For details click here. Like us on Facebook for up-to-date information on hours of operation, theme night event photos and more!

January 2013

Welcome Back Week: January 16-January 19, 2013
To welcome everyone back to school from the winter holidays, Student Programming Board is sponsoring Welcome Back Week. After your first day of classes is over, meet us in Coates for Nacho Hour and some great music. On Thursday, stop by Coates between 12-4 p.m.to get a personalized ring stamped with a name or date FOR FREE! On Friday, be on the lookout for Magician Adam Trent walking around campus doing a roaming show. That night at 8:30 p.m., Adam will dazzle and impress you with a show in the Fiesta Room. As always, we will have a few giveaways for attending. On Saturday, come out to the Bell Center at 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. to cheer on our Trinity Tigers as they take on rival Southwestern University. Be on the lookout for freebies all week. Questions, contact spb@trinity.edu.

How’s Your Emotional Health?
If you suffered during fall semester from emotional distress caused by depression, moodiness, or anxiety, then resolve to start the new year by taking action.  Consult with one of the caring psychologists at Counseling Services.  You may do so by appointment (call 210-999-7411 or stop by our office, 215 Coates University Center).  Alternatively, you can see a counselor for an initial consultation during walk-in hours, Monday-Friday afternoons between 3 and 4:30 p.m., if you have not seen a counselor this academic year.  Visit our website to learn more about us, including details about your legally protected confidentiality.

There have been a lot of messages in the news lately about influenza and our campus is not exempt from a flu outbreak. The main way that influenza viruses are thought to spread is from person to person in respiratory droplets of coughs and sneezes.  This can happen when droplets from a cough or sneeze of an infected person are propelled through the air and deposited on the mouth or nose of people nearby.  Influenza viruses may also be spread when a person touches respiratory droplets of another person or a contaminated object, like door handles or keyboards, and then touches their own mouth or nose before washing their handsmore>>

Special Interest Nutrition groups are forming now to assist you with your new year's goals. Angela Aladjem, Registered Dietitian will provide guidance to small groups of students interested in:
  • dining on campus for a healthy weight or
  • establishing a fitness routine for the new year
There is no cost to you and groups will meet in Mabee Dining Hall during a regular lunch or dinner time.  If you are interested in joining one of these groups you may e-mail Jackie Bevilacqua at jbevilac@trinity.edu by January 24. This program is funded by the Office of the Dean of Students. 

The Chaplain's Corner

by Stephen Nickle

Quiet Places on Campus
Pastoral Counseling
Spiritual Life

Dear Sophomores,
There’s still time for the January Making Connections events happening all over the country during Winter Break!  Hosted by Trinity Alumni Chapters, these events are special opportunities for students and alumni to come together, network, and build lasting, professional relationships.  You can find more information about these events and R.S.V.P. in TigerJobs. Even though you may have no idea where your career path is headed, you can benefit immensely from getting to know our alumni and hearing about their experiences.  So, make a point to attend Making Connections in your area!  Check out this new video to learn more about networking and Making Connections!

Career Services is back open with walk-in hours beginning January 16! Appointments are currently available Monday-Friday; please call 210-999-8321. more >>

Major Declaration and Beyond will take place on Wednesday, January 23 at 7 p.m. in the Fiesta Room. This program will provide students with the opportunity to learn about the steps to take when declaring their major and choosing an advisor. In addition, students will learn how to read their degree audit, find internships, research careers, and begin networking.

Residential Life Student Staff Selection
Want to be a part of the 2013-2014 Residential Life Student Staff?  Then attend one of the mandatory info sessions (Monday, Jan. 28 and Wednesday, Jan. 30 from 6-7 p.m. in the Fiesta Room). Applications are due Thursday, February 7 at 5 p.m. All candidates will participate in a group interview on Sunday, Feb. 10, and individual interviews will take place Feb. 11-March 1. Applicants will be notified on March 8.  If you cannot attend the info session, please contact reslife@trinity.edu.

Looking for a Spring Leadership Program? SAVE THE DATE for March 2013!
Participate in Sophomore Leadership Initiative, a series of five workshops that focus on individual leadership development (leadership styles, identity exploration, values exploration through art, and more). The program meets on Tuesdays from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in March and April. Visit Sophomore Leadership Initiative for more information.  

Spring Student Involvement Fair
The involvement fair will take place on Wednesday, January 23 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. on the Esplanade. Join over 50 organizations for the involvement fair and SUPER NACHO HOUR!

Greek Recruitment Information
Are you still interested in joining a sorority or fraternity this semester? We hope you had a great experience with Fall Recruitment activities but if you didn’t participate or decided over the break that you want to join Greek Life, please make note of some important dates and deadlines. The last day to join the Rush lists is Wednesday, January 16 at 11:59 p.m. Please click here to join the men’s list or the women’s list.  On January 17 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., we will have R.S.V.P. in the Fiesta Room (LOCATION CHANGE). This will be a mandatory event and will take less than 10 minutes of your day. Please make sure to stop by and take care of RSVP. On January 29 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., we will have the Pref Day in the Fiesta Room. Both of these events are mandatory and only require a few minutes of your time to complete. Greek 201 will be on Thursday, January 31 in Laurie. This will be an important (and mandatory) meeting for all Potential New Members wanting to accept a bid on Bid Day. It will be at 7:30 p.m. If you have a conflict with any of this, please e-mail Briana.mcglamory@trinity.edu.

Get Recognized!
The National Alumni Board and the Division of Student Affairs is excited to invite students to submit nominations for the annual recognition awards presented during Spring Family Weekend. Awards will be given to both individual students and student organizations/groups in recognition of service and leadership to Trinity University and in recognition of service and leadership to the community. (Students may nominate student organizations for awards, but may not nominate themselves for an individual award.) Please keep reading for more information>>

2013 Student Organization Training (SOT) Team:
Help plan this year’s SOT on Sunday, April 21. CCI is recruiting up to four students for the SOT  Team. Team members will coordinate training theme, training materials, marketing items, and more! Apply online by Friday, February 1. Applicants will be selected and notified by Friday, February 8.

Don't Lose Your Memories
You still have time to order a 2013 Mirage for the Fall Semester price.  Books are $70 until the end of Add/Drop.  To see if you’ve already ordered, go to trinity.edu/yearbook.  To order, go to cpstore.trinity.eduyearbookforever.com, or e-mail cpbusiness@trinity.edu. Look for the Mirage staff at Countdown to Commencement in February, the last chance to pre-order books.

Campus Publications Opportunities
Come hear about opportunities with the Mirage and the Trinitonian for 2013-2014 at an info session in the Tehaucana Room Monday, Feb. 18, at 5 p.m.  Register for Communication 1110 this semester to be an intern with either publication. No experience necessary.  All majors welcome. Business management, sales, and journalism experience all available. Contact kmartin1@trinity.edu with questions.

Want to change your meal plan?  
Send an e-mail to reslife@trinity.edu with your name and student ID# and tell us the new plan you want and we'll make the change.  The last day to make changes to the meal plan for the spring semester is January 24, 2013.

Emergency - Active Shooter
In December, Trinity University Police Department Chief Paul Chapa sent all students an e-mail about emergency procedures. In that e-mail he invited students to watch a very useful and informative video about active shooter scenarios. I regret that you have to live at a time when this is a concern. Nevertheless, I urge you to click on the Shots Fired video link. It is worth your time.

Student Conduct Report Fall 2012
Please read the latest blog post from the Dean of Students about alcohol and review the fall semester student conduct report.

Thursday, January 17, 2013
Martin Luther King Jr Commemorative Lecture featuring Boyce Watkins, author and financial scholar
7:30 p.m. in Laurie Auditorium.
*For more information about the speaker please click here.

Monday, January 21, 2013
City-Wide MLK Jr. March
Meet at the Bell Center to board buses at 8:30 am.
Free T-shirts for the first 250 people.
Help Trinity maintain its reputation as having the largest college/university representation at the march.