January 2015

Is winter break over already?! Wow, seniors, you have one more semester left at Trinity. How will you spend it? Everything will go by very quickly. Before you know it, you will be walking the stage, so take in all of the moments and truly live them.

Halls open on Sunday January 11th. It will be bittersweet for our office to see you check in one last time. Classes begin Wednesday January 14 accompanied with a long weekend for MLK day! Be sure to check out this year’s MLK speaker and join us the morning of Monday January 19 for the MLK march. Support equal rights with the #TUDreamTeam as we “march for dreams.”

You will have a chance to get everything crossed off your list for graduation during our Countdown to Commencement days in the Fiesta Room. Stop by the tables to order your gown, make a donation so you can sign a brick in the tower, or order your school ring. So many resources will be available to you at this event that will happen in mid-February, and we can’t wait to see all of you there!

I hope that you all had a great break and that you’re ready to tackle this semester and then the world :)


Lyndsey Aguilar
Residential Life Coordinator

Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Lecture featuring Tim Wise on Thursday, January 15 at 7:30 p.m. in Laurie Auditorium.  For more information about the speaker please visit the MLK Jr. Events page.

Don't miss the City-Wide San Antonio MLK Jr. March! Transportation is provided; just meet at the Bell Center at 8:30 a.m.

**Free long sleeve T-shirts will be available for first 200 people!! Help Trinity maintain its reputation as the largest college represented at the March!


Career Services: A Holiday Party with a Purpose

The Career Fair: What’s In It For You?

It’s time to think about your steps after graduation. The Career Fair on February 4 is your opportunity to speak with professionals in various industries to learn about full-time, career openings. Come meet with representatives and recruiters from a variety of employers. Bring copies of your resume and dress professionally. For a full list of employers attending, visit TigerJobs. Come by Career Services prior to the fair to have your resume critiqued.