Residential Life Coordinator - September 2014

Hello Class of 2015!

Welcome to your senior year! It was so great to see many of you at the Senior Happy Hour. For those of you who didn’t make it my name is Lyndsey Aguilar, and I am the new Residential Life Coordinator for the Upper-Class Area.

I graduated from Trinity in 2012 with degrees in Art and Communication. While at Trinity I participated in O-Team, Res. Life, TigerTV, Bad Movie Club, you name it! I am so glad to be back. I’m excited to tell you about one of the coolest perks of being an upper-class student (and a great opportunity for me to meet you). It’s the First Friday Breakfast. Every first Friday of the month, juniors and seniors get FREE breakfast tacos, coffee, and juice in Heidi Lounge from 7:30 – 10:30 am. The first First Friday Breakfast will be September 5. All you have to do is show up – no strings attached. So swing by, and say hi. I also hope to see you at Hallympics beginning September 7.
