Back Class of 2015!
you all have enjoyed your summer and are looking forward to the start of
a new year. Most of you are now half-way through your college
experience. Congratulations!
recently attended a week-long leadership training program in Colorado Springs
(which I admit was a nice break from the heat). One of the topics we
explored was the “mid-way check point”. We can all get so wrapped up in
meeting the deadline, getting to the finish line or, in this case, securing
that diploma, we fail to measure and talk about our progress along the
way. And, when we look back we realize there were things we would have
changed if we had taken the short time to just stop for a second and review
what had been completed or accomplished.
on this I realized the concept applies to where you are right now. So, I challenge you to reflect on some of the
questions below as you enter your Junior year:
Trinity turned out to be what you anticipated or expected when you
started? If not, are you pleased with where you are or what can you
change now to align yourself with what you had hoped to receive and are still
you spending your time in the right places? Are you in too many
organizations? Not enough? Are you spending enough time with
friends? How about time preparing yourself for the challenges in the
are you wanting to get out of your next two years? Do you have what you
need in front of you to obtain this or are their additional resources you need
to engage to get there (Professors, Career Services, Study Abroad Office,
Residential Life…..)?
of luck to all of you as you start the year. Make sure you are on the
path you choose and I wish you all continued success!