Hello Class of 2015!
The finish line is quickly approaching and therefore you probably have a good idea on what life is going to look like after graduation. I remember having solidified life after college by this time and honestly I was starting to lose focus and patience with my academics. I was mentally done with my current routine and was anxious to move to a new one. While this might seem negative, it isn’t. Trinity prepared me to be an independent, contributing adult in society and I was ready for the challenge.
The thing that drove me crazy at this juncture? Group projects. My assigned Business Policy group was an utter disaster. I am sure you’ve had similar experiences- one person is a slacker and skips meetings, another is mentally on a different page from the rest of the group, and someone is MORE>>
Jennifer Dewar
Alumni Sponsor ___________________________________________________
Wow, did March even happen? It must have because we had Spring Break, midterms, the start of March Madness… it’s definitely been a whirlwind of a month, and a lot more is yet to come.
Hopefully you all had a chance to stop by the apartment fair last week to look into apartments in the San Antonio area. We’re hoping some of you stick around so we can continue to see your bright and shining faces!
Are you still not sure how you’re going to budget for next year? ResLife will be conducting another Game of Life program on the Esplanade on Wednesday April 8th from 10am to 1pm. Stop by to learn what your potential take-home salary would be, how much health insurance could cost, and if you’re willing to pay for Netflix every month. Oh yeah, and win PRIZES.
Before you know it, it will be Easter, and then it’s the final home stretch to graduation!
Don’t forget April’s First Friday Breakfast on April 10th! Get some FREE breakfast tacos and coffee in the Heidi Lounge from 8am to 10:30am.
Lyndsey Aguilar
Residential Life Coordinator
Trinity accepted Mayor Ivy Taylor's Veg Out challenge! Nacho Hour and the popular Milk & Cookies was recently transformed into a buffet of healthy delicacies like carrots, celery, pineapples, zucchini bread, hummus and much more! A frequent visitor of Milk & Cookies expressed, "Milk and Cookies was deceptive yet delicious today". : )
Be sure to check out the amazing student and alumni artwork on the 1st and 2nd floor of Coates University Center!
I’m sure you’ve heard at one time or another that it’s not what you know, it’s who you know that really matters. Actually, both understanding concepts and knowing people are necessary in order to succeed. While you may be busy with exams, sporting events, or just hanging out at this point in the semester, I strongly encourage you to make time to get advice from Trinity alumni who are already employed in areas in which you are interested.
You can do this through TRINITYCONNECT – an online resource brought to you by Career Services and Alumni Relations. Use your T-mail address to access the system and to schedule a conversation today. Take advantage of a professional network that has volunteered to share insight and experience with you. Let me know if you need assistance or have any questions.
John Birch